Getting Started


We support only installation on macOS, Linux, and WSL.

Any of the following methods uses opam 2. Please ensure that you have that version of opam. You can find the installation instruction here.

We use recent versions of OCaml, so check which are supported on our continuous integration before creating an opam switch.

Install using opam

The following command will install beluga under the switch you created.

opam install beluga

Now beluga and harpoon binaries are installed in $OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX/bin, and these command work:

beluga --help
harpoon --help

Install from the source

First, clone the repository.

git clone
cd Beluga

Now, build the source with the following commands:

make setup-install
make install

This will place beluga and harpoon binaries in $OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX/bin. They can be copied wherever you like, or you can add this directory to your PATH environment variable.

Harpoon Example

You can try the following example to check Harpoon works:

LF tp : type =
  | i : tp
  | arr : tp -> tp -> tp

LF eq : tp -> tp -> type =
  | eq_i : eq i i
  | eq_arr : eq A1 A2 -> eq B1 B2 -> eq (arr A1 B1) (arr A2 B2)

First, save this code as a file tp-refl.bel. Next, run the following command to load the Harpoon session.

harpoon --sig tp-refl.bel

Here, --sig option represents a signature used for proofs. Now, Harpoon will print a session wizard:

## Type Reconstruction begin: tp-refl.bel ##
## Type Reconstruction done:  tp-refl.bel ##
Configuring theorem #1
  Name of theorem (:quit or empty to finish):

The session wizard will ask for the name of theorem, the actual statement, and the induction order. After giving tp-refl, {A : [|- tp]} [|- eq A A], and 1, the session wizard will print this:

## Type Reconstruction begin: stlc.bel ##
## Type Reconstruction done:  stlc.bel ##
Configuring theorem #1
  Name of theorem (:quit or empty to finish): halts_step
  Statement of theorem: [|- step M M'] -> [|- halts M'] -> [|- halts M]
  Induction order (empty for none):
Configuring theorem #2
  Name of theorem (:quit or empty to finish):

Users can give any numbers of theorems they want. Here, for the purpose of this example, we will finish the session wizard, by typing the enter key. Then, Harpoon will display an interactive session:

    A : ( |- tp)
are automatically introduced for the subgoal of type
  {A : ( |- tp)} [ |- eq A A]

Theorem: tp-refl
  A : ( |- tp)
Computational context:

[ |- eq A A]


Now we can use interactive tactics to prove the goal (the type under the line). First, by applying split [|- A], we split the type into cases.

Theorem: tp-refl
  A : ( |- tp)
Computational context:

[ |- eq A A]

> split [|- A]

This will generate two subgoals, and you will notice that the label (the string on the second line) is changed so that we can see which subgoal we are in.

Theorem: tp-refl
intros <- split [ |- X1] (case arr)
  X : ( |- tp)
  X1 : ( |- tp)
Computational context:

[ |- eq (arr X X1) (arr X X1)]


To prove this, we need [|- eq X X] and [|- eq X1 X1]. We can get these by induction.

Theorem: tp-refl
intros <- split [ |- X1] (case arr)
  X : ( |- tp)
  X1 : ( |- tp)
Computational context:

[ |- eq (arr X X1) (arr X X1)]

> by tp-refl [|- X] as EQ_X unboxed
Theorem: tp-refl
intros <- split [ |- X1] (case arr)
  X : ( |- tp)
  X1 : ( |- tp)
  EQ_X : ( |- eq X X)
Computational context:

[ |- eq (arr X X1) (arr X X1)]

> by tp-refl [|- X1] as EQ_X1 unboxed

With these two, we are able to use eq_arr.

Theorem: tp-refl
intros <- split [ |- X1] (case arr)
  X : ( |- tp)
  X1 : ( |- tp)
  EQ_X : ( |- eq X X)
  EQ_X1 : ( |- eq X1 X1)
Computational context:

[ |- eq (arr X X1) (arr X X1)]

> solve [|- eq_arr EQ_X EQ_X1]

This will solve the subgoal, and Harpoon will subsequently show the next case, which can be solved directly with eq_i.

Theorem: tp-refl
intros <- split [ |- FREE MVar 1] (case i)

Computational context:

[ |- eq i i]

> solve [|- eq_i]

After solving all subgoals, Harpoon will print the proof script as well as its translation as a Beluga program, and save the proof script (You can check it by cat tp-refl.bel) and type-check the signature file again.

Subproof complete! (No subgoals left.)
Full proof script:
  { A : ( |- tp)
  ; split [ |- A] as
    case arr:
    { X : ( |- tp), X1 : ( |- tp)
    ; by tp-refl [ |- X] as EQ_Y unboxed;
      by tp-refl [ |- X1] as EQ_X unboxed;
      solve [ |- eq_arr EQ_Y EQ_X]
    case i:
    ; solve [ |- eq_i]
Translation generated program:
  mlam A =>
  case [ |- A] of
  | [ |- arr X X1] =>
    let [ |- EQ_Y] = tp-refl [ |- X] in
    let [ |- EQ_X] = tp-refl [ |- X1] in [ |- eq_arr EQ_Y EQ_X]
  | [ |- i] =>
    [ |- eq_i]

No theorems left. Checking translated proofs.
- Translated proofs successfully checked.
Proof complete! (No theorems left.)
## Type Reconstruction begin: t/harpoon/tp-refl.bel ##
## Type Reconstruction done:  t/harpoon/tp-refl.bel ##

Once the proof is completed, Harpoon will restart the session wizard, and we can choose whether to prove more theorems or :quit.

Configuring theorem #1
  Name of theorem (:quit or empty to finish): :quit
Harpoon terminated.

That’s it! If you want to know more details including how to write the signature file and what kinds of tactics do we provide, please read the common elements and interactive proving with harpoon section of this page. For additional examples, you can check out the test directory in our github repository.